
Showing posts from September, 2023

I am against mother erasure and women erasure and I will force the words mother and woman to always be used in every country everywhere

  I will never refer to mothers as anything but mothers or moms. I will always call females women and if the 1 percent of transgender or 'non binary' people don't like that tough shit. Get mental help if you are triggered by universally accepted and positive words like mother and woman. Enough is enough with the extreme wokeness of woman erasure and lesbian erasure. Over 90 percent of people on Earth support always using the word mother and woman instead of people with utereres or bleeders or other sexist anti woman language I will never ever allow woman erasure or lesbian erasure or mother erasure to happen, I will go to every country on Earth and force each country on Earth to ban woman erasure, lesbian erasure and mother erausre,lewica-i-zarzuty-o-transfobie-urszula-kuczynska-wykluczona-z-partii


  Queer/gay  views I am pro LGBTQ (I am Heteroflexible curious) and LGBTQ people have a right to do what they do,  since the government should never dictate what people do privately or civilly . The government has no right to dictate our lives.  I am inclusive toward LGBTQ people and I want them to be left alone , free of harassment. I will always stand with the LGBTQ community against discrimination  You are gay?, Cool, It doesn't matter. It is OK to be Gay. Systematically I support allowing any two people to be able to marry each other, regardless of sex, gender or orientation and that is how the law should have been framed Legality wise, I am pragmatically  Live and   Let Live  on same sex marriage being legal, partly for  these reasons ,  these reasons  and  these reasons  and because I am an Anarcho Libertarian and free love is a current within Anarchism  .  Same sex couples have a right to be as miserable as straight married couples have always been /s  I support individual p

Trans issues

I am against kids and teens changing their gender. They should be at least 18 to do so I am against transgender rights in Eastern Europe, Central Europe, South America (except for Chile), Africa, China, Russia (for the most part on Russia), Japan, South Korea, Venezuela, Colombia ,Peru The furthest left I go on this in select countries is me being neutral on trans rights but being against gender self id in those countries , removing the words mother from those countries I am fine with  Good I am against gender self id just like 75 percent of Canadians are For the US, Canada, Australia, Sweden I am * on trans rights. If i did support them in said places I would only be a transmed ,truscum type of supporter only If  utopian vision The more the Neoliberal globalist '''elites''' (i.e NGOs, MSM, so called celebrities, George Soros fun

I support this bill

 I support it. Students in those countries should not be taught radical woke gender ideology

Anti March for '''Science'''

 I hate Donald Trump like the next guy but I do not think he is nearly so bad that you have to have a gazillion global protests to protest him (March for Our Lives, March for Science, Women's March, etc). Sorry but if that many people in so many places are protesting him than maybe the issue isn't Trump. Seriously this seems like TDS. It just doesn't seem right.  I live in Florida and if I knew about , I would have went there in a lorre to break up said protest. I am embarassed my state Florida to allow these reactionary scumbag far left freaks to march in 2017 for 'science' fuck them The US has colonized and enslaved the world with globalism, globalization etc and they have brainwashed people around the world to be slaves to American culture, American entertainment, American corporations, American news, American neolibe