Trans issues

I am against kids and teens changing their gender. They should be at least 18 to do so

I am against transgender rights in Eastern Europe, Central Europe, South America (except for Chile), Africa, China, Russia (for the most part on Russia), Japan, South Korea, Venezuela, Colombia ,Peru

The furthest left I go on this in select countries is me being neutral on trans rights but being against gender self id in those countries , removing the words mother from those countries

I am fine with  Good

I am against gender self id just like 75 percent of Canadians are

For the US, Canada, Australia, Sweden I am * on trans rights. If i did support them in said places I would only be a transmed ,truscum type of supporter only


utopian vision

The more the Neoliberal globalist '''elites''' (i.e NGOs, MSM, so called celebrities, George Soros funded agigtators etc) push trans ideology and radical trans ideology to countries it doesn't belong in (like in Eastern Europe, most of South America, every country in Asia except Thailand, India, Africa, Middle East)  the more and more I turn against Transgenderism to the point where I actually oppose all of it.  Just like with the spreading of US corporations and brands, the spread of George Floyd 'protests', the spread of so called March for 'Science' protests, Women's March protests , March for our 'lives' , transgenderism is the next thing they are trying to force onto the world and to force conformity. They are killing cultures with all of this cultural imperialism, globalism , globalization

I know for a fact that the vast majority of Europeans, South America and Central America residents, do not support this trans stuff, they are apart of a cult like in 1984 spreading like a virus engulfing each country with its pathetic extreme wokeness. Alexander Dugin has good points on this I will put here soon. I am going to turn back trans rights in Asia, South America and prevent trans people from getting their rights in Eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa and I don't care what I have to do when I go to those countries to do so, I will risk my life if I must. Something has to be done to counter the west and particularly EU/UN/US's neoliberal hold and slavery they have on the world. The UN/EU/US is literally like Jamie Spears and the Global South, etc are like Britney. FreeBritney2.0

I am  on trans bathroom thing GOOD. I am glad there is backlash. They realize enough is enough. I am sick and tired of the elite Neoliberal radical extremists who run our planet like Varys in Game of Thrones trying to force every country on Earth to be exactly the same culturally and politically. How dare them try to force transgenderism on such countries.

There is NO polarization on Transgenderism, the vast majority of Central and Eastern Europeans are against radical Transgender ideology . At least 70 percent of European residents are against teens being allowed to magically change genders because they have a special feeling

I refuse to believe that common sense that there is such a thing as biological sex and that people cannot magically change their gender is lost and people embrace this psuedoscience crap of transgenderism. 

IPSOS is an evil corrupt poll. They rigged their polls in 2023 to pretend that the majority of people in 20 or 30 countries are pro Trans but that is not true. Either IPSOS fudged the numbers by as much as 20 or 30 percent or they only asked people in those countries who they knew for a fact would agree with their questions on this radical trans ideology the survey question

I know for a fact that at least 75 percent of Poland residents, 90 percent of Romania residents, the vast majority of South America residents, the majority of South Korea and Japan residents are absolutely against teens being allowed to change their gender . No way the majority of people in those countries support teens mutialating their bodies because they got a magical feeling they are another 'gender'. No fucking way, the US and the UK are 2 of the most pro Transgender, pro LGBTQ in general countries on Earth.  The vast majority of people in Asia, South America, Oceania, the Middle East and Africa and absoutely against transgender rights especially radical transgender ideology. That is a fact and no amount of rigged/fake polls on far left woke polling SCAM company IPSOS will change that

Sorry but the vast majority of Americans and Brits are against some of the more radical trans stuff , no way any country in Central/Eastern Europe, South America, Africa, Middle East is to the left of them on those issues. 

I posted this online

I know for a fact that at least 55 percent of Poland residents under 30 have enough common sense to know it is wrong for teens to change their gender . I mean the majority of Americans and Brits are against teens being able to do so and Poland is to well to the right of the US and UK on trans issues. Please tell me that Poland has been captured by this radical trans ideology because if they are I am coming to Poland to force every Polish resident to be against teens being able to become trans. I am sorry but Poland used to be a great strong country but now they are engulfed by the American, Western neoliberal globalists . Wake up people, you know darn well what a real woman is and what a real man is. Please resist the EU and the UN and their radical woke nonsense. Stop being America East, You are losing your traditions and way of life and being just a cheap imitation of the US and EU . I cannot and will not allow this to happen any longer. Teens should not be allowed to change their gender and any normal person with an ounce of common sense agrees with me 

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.- Mark Twain

I have to admit And Duda has a major point here, at least on transgenderism  Poland with their stupid Jersey Shore and Real Housewives shows and becoming more pro trans and pro same sex marriage (I am fine with same sex unions being legalized in Poland but I am absoutely against same sex marriage being legalized in Poland and I will not allow that to happen as long as I am alive so help me God)

Poland like so many other countries (such as Ukraine, Romania, India, Eastern Asia/Southeast Asia etc)
has been captured by '''elite''' Neoliberal globalizationist globalists who spread their radical progressive transnational policies to every country via imperialism (literal imperialism through wars and cultural imperialism through multinational US corporations, NGOs , military occupation, propaganda campaigns 

They have no right to do this and the West and US will lose big because the world is rightfully turning against the sickness and decendence of the West and particularly the US. The US , EU, West etc are nothing but chauvinists who wrongly thinks what political policies there work in every country but they are in for a rude awakening just how wrong they are. 

I bet my life that the vast majority of residents in Europe, Central America, South America, Oceania, Asia, the Middle East and Africa reject this radical trans ideology and even transgender rights themselves (trans people always have the rights they need)

When a political ideology like Transgenderism is pushed so much so soon to so many places and debate about it is completely censored and shut down even when science does not back up transgenderism that is a tale tale side that such a political ideology is not only wrong but sick, harmful and disgusting

Transgender people have a mental illness, they shouldn't change their gender they should stay as their gender and get mental help. Teens have to be 18 to get a tattoo but in some radical liberal shitholes they can magically change their freaking gender as young as 8 or whatever. Sorry I am not doing this

How many people needs fucking 'rights' What is up with all this rhetoric about 'equity' 'rights' blah blah. There is no proof that being against transgenderism is morally wrong. Humans are the ones who say saying so is wrong but humans are not Gods they are well human

It is also the liberal MSM pushing this trans nonsense. It is sick and wrong that even pro trans allies who make good points and break from the trans cultist rhetoric like Ana Kasparian, Cenk, Margaret Atwood, the NYT, .  Anyone who goes after such people for not slobbering over transgender people should be taken from their homes against their will and thrown in a nuthouse and be locked up just like Michael Myers in Halloween film series was locked up from 1978 to 1988. Such woke freaks are almost as much of a threat to our society as Danny Masterson is to women and everyone in my family agrees with me as do all of my tropical palms neighbors.

The MSM refuses to be neutral, it is one thing to be happy deep down about trans people getting their so called 'rights' but much of the MSM along with celebrities, social media trolls are fucking radical cheerleaders for this radical gender extremism. Enough is enough. our country has been dead for the last 25 years and this wokeness has to end before it spreads across the world like the 1918 Flu did. 

 If that 2023 ISPOS poll is correct (which its not) then the US western imperialism and woke globalism has destroyed countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Poland, Romania, South Korea by importing radical gender ideology into places (like those countries) where it doesn't belong

I won't stand in the way of this bill I live in Florida btw


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