Fourth Way (like this , this , this , this , this , this (factions), this , this Maybe like this: Fourth Way believes in a theory of "social-ism" which tries to pursue the goals of equality and social justice in a Third Way framework of a Neoliberal society. OR Maybe like this: The Fourth is a centrist political position that attempts to reconcile third way, right-wing and left-wing politics by advocating a varying synthesis of third way and centre-right economic policies with centre-left and third way social policies.[ OR maybe like this: The Fourth Way is an economically centrist, civically middle and culturally syncretic (but usually left of centre) which combines Liberal 2.0 Neo libera lism (including Social Neoliberalism variant of reddit Neoliberalism and Washington consensus Neoliberalism, modern Neoliberalism , Neoliberal left , Neoliberal type of Socia...