
Showing posts from July, 2023


For every woke Liberal 2.0, view  there are some 'far right', old school right wing, paleoconservative, people who either support said woke Liberal 2.0 view or downplay how bad said view is


Christians United for Israel is  correct to criticize Dave for his antisemitic hate he spewed on SNL in 2022 but Christians United for Israel is wrong for criticizing Dave Chappelle's jokes about Trangender people.  To you woke CUFI freaks who attacked Chapelle's jokes about Transgender people, Chappelle NEVER ridiculed Transgender people and there is nothing wrong with his jokes about Transgender people. CUFI  wrongly criticizing Dave for his jokes about Transgender people proves CUFI are all counterfeit Christians.  Maybe the C in Christians United for Israel stands for CUCKS. Shari Dollarson is a woman hater , sexist pig. She wants women and mothers to be erased ,I hope she rots in hell forever. Oh btw Christians United for Israel are antisemetic in their own unique way . They don't want Jews living in Europe, US, Asia, Oceania, South America, they want Jews to be trapped in Israel, that is why they support Israel so much.  Zionism is antisemetism


  /     Class Reductionism  


Fourth Way (like  this ,  this ,  this ,  this ,  this ,  this  (factions),  this ,  this Maybe like this: Fourth Way believes in a theory of   "social-ism" which tries to pursue the goals of equality and social justice in a Third Way framework of a    Neoliberal  society. OR Maybe like this: The Fourth is a centrist political position that attempts to reconcile third way, right-wing and left-wing politics by advocating a varying synthesis of third way and centre-right economic policies with centre-left and third way social policies.[ OR maybe like this: The Fourth Way is an economically centrist, civically middle and culturally syncretic (but usually left of centre) which combines Liberal 2.0   Neo libera lism  (including Social Neoliberalism variant of  reddit  Neoliberalism and Washington consensus Neoliberalism, modern  Neoliberalism ,  Neoliberal left , Neoliberal type of  Social Capitalism ),  New Keynesian economics ,     Alter-Neoliberalism  ( including Social Commons


  My  Government/Praxis: Statelessness Post-Autonomism Anarchistic Communization Post-Left Anarchism Councilism (essentially  council communism  but a little different in a few key ways) My Epistomology: Heidegger ianism Po st-Kantiani sm My Culture: Bio Accel Cyber Feminism Archeofuturism   Post-Industrialism Anti-Clericalism Alter Proletarian Internationalism / Pan National Alter Globalism Post-Civilizationalism LesbiaNRx Cyberspace Anarchism VNS Matrix thought Nietzscheanism Post-Humanism (that section is kinda incredibly ironic because all ideas I have of culture are ones of abolishing it) My Analysis: Patheos   Post-Humanism Post-Revisionist Historiography Anti-Humanism Post-Anarchism Xenofeminism / Postgenderism P o st-Marxis m Accelerationism Deleuzoguattarianism Social Liberalism of John Rawls My Personal Philosophy: Anti-Nihilism Cynicism Stir neris m I am a Aycee Lovelace thought adherent

LesbnNrX Gender Acc

I support  Lesbian nRx / Gender acceler ation to empower Lesbians to get more civil rights and the respect they deserve. Lesbians are wrongly being marginalized via Lesbian erasure (including JHU wrongly denigrating them in their 2023 Lesphobic pc stunt).  So Lesbian nRx/Gender acceleration are great ways for Lesbians to fight back against such Lesphobia and by becoming empowered so that Lesbians finally are free, equal etc as homosexuals and everyone else of all identities. See  here for more

Exh re099009

This blog is my  Surreal - Unconscious  political views, my LA RP ing political views etc My viewpoints


Jasonism  My political ideology: Pro:    Fourth Way Gender Acceleration Lesbian NrX My LARPing political thingy   Antis Anti Baizou